Voice from the Commonwealth
Commentary, World Views and Occasional Rants from a small 'l' libertarian in Massachussetts

"If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest for freedom, go home and leave us in peace. We seek not your council nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

Monday, August 26, 2002

Will Britain finally deport Sheikh Abu Hamza? In secretly taped meetings he exhorted his follweres to crime and murder.

But on one of the six video tapes made at private meetings around the country the fanatic tells impressionable young supporters: "What are they doing there anyway? Most of them are spies. "Even if they don't do anything - if Muslims cannot take them and sell them in the market - kill them, it's OK." "We have to push our children to the front line," he said. "Everybody wants his son to be killed like a lion."

Hamza said anyone standing in the way of his Islam would spend their life in fear. He warned: "They should always be worried. They should always be on the run. They should always feel insecure."

During a question and answer session, Hamza said banks were a Jewish establishment, the work of Satan. Robbing them and kafirs, or unbelievers, could be acceptable because they were not protected by Allah. He said: "I say go and do it (steal), take shoot and loot. "Every battle has its purpose. Ours is to put the authority of Allah and humiliate kafir who are challenging the authority of Allah and Muslims. "Sometimes you will feel too weak to go on, but you say 'I still have some strength to humiliate and kill and remove some of the germs who are making me weak so that people who come after me can carry on with weaker enemies'."

Hamza also backed burglary and theft from non-believers. He said: "I can't see any problem giving yourself a free hand - getting yourself a new car. "Go for their houses where you can loot and come back. It is like going to the forest and picking up wood from no man's land."

"Allah made the contract that a certain kind of believer will fight in the cause of Allah ... they will kill in the cause of Allah. "Jihad is their fight and it is also an obligation. But some people call this terrorism."

"Jihad is the only way to protect believers. Jihad comes first. "I do not want you to say 'I believe in one God'. No, no. I want you to make trouble for kafirs. "Before you can say I believe in you God I want you to put everybody's god in the dustbin. "And so you insult kafir...you say there is no god except the creator Allah. You start the trouble. "Allah will never ever allow the kafir to be pleased with you. He created them and he moulded them to be your enemy. "Jihad is moving up and proving yourself. It is something for you to look for. Go and look for it."

The people of Britain should be outraged that this man is in their midst and the authorities are apparently to cowed to take action. The law has taken away their rights of self-defense and allow men who exhort their followers to prey on the public.

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