Voice from the Commonwealth
Commentary, World Views and Occasional Rants from a small 'l' libertarian in Massachussetts

"If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest for freedom, go home and leave us in peace. We seek not your council nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

Thursday, April 18, 2002

Okay, I will take my turn at playing President of the United States and give the solution I would force on the Palestinians and Israelis. Of course neither side would agree to it, but that is not what the US is being asked to do, we are being asked to play Daddy and solve it. Nobody will be immediately happy with it and the plan would take years to bear fruit, but what else can we do that doesn't involve walking away or getting involved in a full on war.

1. A force made up of US (as an American I hate to do this, but as an informed American, I don't trust anyone else's armies) troops supplemented by Asian, Indian, (Christian) African, Commonwealth (Canadian, UK, Australian or NZ) and/or South American, creates abuffer zone between Israel and the Palestinian territories.

2: As soon as they are on the ground and established, all Israeli troops leave PA areas. Jerusalem is made a DMZ completely under the control of troops. The US and supporting forces then disarm the entire population of the PA territories and it becomes illegal for anyone besides peace-keepers to carry weapons. Anyone caught doing so is sent to prison for a long time. Known terrorists are arrested and tried. Arafat is exiled.

2a: The borders are closed and all imports and movements in and out of the territories are monitored by US and support troops. Any aid or material support given to the
Palestinians must first pass though the US.

3: A US monitored election is carried out to establish a ruling council to rule the PA. Borders are negotiated to the point of intransigence and then established based on security for Israel while giving the Palestinains as much as possible. The settlements necessary for Israeli security are agreed upon and compensation is given for the land. There is to be no right of return, all refugees will be compensated and have homes built in the PA areas or are assimilated into the countires where they presently reside (those countires won't be too keen on it, they have to get over it. Millions of refugees integrate into every country around the world) and are compensated for it.

4: For every week that there is no terrorist attack a settlement will be handed over to the PA and populated by refugees. And concurrently, for every week there is no terror x dollars will be spent building infrastructure and homes for the Palestinians. For every terror attack either 1 more settlement will remain/ the Israeli border moves 50 yards to the West/ or another 10 yards further West in Jerusalem. For every Israeli incursion into the US patrolled areas another settlement must be given up.

5: Once this process has begun a training program will begin for the entire Palestinian population. Those who will be police officers or teachers will be sent to Israel to work with their counterparts and develop programs together (keeping in mind rule #4). In the meantime schoolbooks that accord with the Oslo accords will be printed and taught by the teachers approved and regularly monitored by the US.

6: As the Palestinian economy comes to life and some degree of self-sufficiency (I figure around 5 years) is achieved regular elections will be held to establish a permanent governing structure. This government writes a constitution and establishes a rule of law with the police force that has been training with the Israelis.

7: Thereafter, progress is reviewed by the President and findings and recommendations are made and ratified by the Senate every five years.

And of course before any of this is done, Saddam's regime is taken down.

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